Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Alphadog

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Am not talking about the movie Alphadog, but a REAL robot..!Boston Dynamics have been developing this combat escort robot called the Alphadog, many of you are might be aware of it. Well, its a newest prototype of the same.people call it by many names,, as 'Mule Poodle', 'Monster mutt','Bigdog-on-steroids' etcetra but, 'Alphadog' is the actual name...:)Alphadog well fully ready, can navigate through any rough terrain conditions,...

Monday, October 3, 2011

A concept..!

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After a looooong time.....:p  Anyway its good to be doing what I love..:) So let me tell you what I got to know today... "Is it a phone ? Is it a netbook ?..." the question may pop up in your mind when you look at this concept..! The concept created by Abhi Muktheeswarar, this device is rotatable...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Triple Flip - An innovative concept phone

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Just when you think that the era of flip phones ended, the Triple Flip appears..! Dave Schultze has created this cool and very innovative concept phone which ,I think has everything..:)If you think one flip for your cell isn't enough, it has two sides to flip..! Not only that...It has a full HD touch...

Angry Birds Rio - 10 in 10

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Angry birds - The best way to kill time...! Angry bird is one game, the popularity of which is growing at every second. The latest version of the game is 'Angry Birds Rio' , might be the most popular game till date..!!As you can see, its based on the latest movie called Rio. The Rovio mobile, the creators...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Typescreen - Turn your iPad into a typewriter..!

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Unlike music or fashion industries, in the world of technology we rarely see something which is considered as old coming into picture again. But in this case it has..! sometimes its very difficult let go of something when something newer comes in, even though it's better than the old one. Typewriter...

The 'Creepy' app

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The name of this app is 'Creepy'..! Don't think it as a foolish name for an app, because this one is really creepy..!!In today's world, we live more in the digital world than in the real world. For us, our 'avatar' is more important than our real selves. Its a harsh fact but we have to admit it.So...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cool 'Dynamic Views' for blogger..!!

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There was a time when many would think blogger blogs do not look good and it was true too to a certain extent. but then, Blogger provided the bloggers with a large variety of customizable templates to make those blogs look pretty. Now Blogger has gone another step forward and has introduced 'Dynamic...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Smoothee - A steadicam for your mobile..!

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High quality video capturing is not only limited to some professional video cameras now a days. All today's mobile phones come with the same HQ video recording capabilities. So we are so excited by this, and buy one such mobile with such feature. After some time, we get so frustrated by it because its...
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